Gene Pimentel
Until now, you'd have to pay thousands of dollars to have Pat coordinate and set up your product launch (which I personally did, and it was VERY worth it).
Today, the "Launch Boss" himself, Mr. Pat Flanagan, will teach you everything you ever wanted to know about creating maximum success with your product launch, WITHOUT paying him thousands, like I did.
Speaking from personal experience - Pat is responsible for putting many thousands of dollars in my pocket. I hired him on a few occasions to manage my product launches with great success. I can attest to the fact he's a pro and is highly qualified to train others.
He can help you do the same.
Pat Flanagan IS the "Launch Boss" as far as I'm concerned - He's proven it to me multiple times, and he has helped MANY entrepreneurs from beginners to well-seasoned pros to launch their products for maximum sales and profits.
HIS methods and systems resulted in tens of thousands of dollars in profits for me.
Pat has taught me some unbelievable tricks and techniques to almost force my product launches to be hugely profitable.
This is world-class stuff.
That's why I'm so excited to announce that Pat has FINALLY taken the time to create a FULL Training Series, where he shares with you ALL of his fantastic methods and tricks-of-the-trade.
Isn't it YOUR Turn For a Profitable Product Launch?
Launching a product successfully (profitably) is one of the most rewarding things you'll ever do, and it's not as hard as you might imagine.
Stop With the Excuses Already.
I don't care what your excuses are - And I don't care if you don't even have a product to offer (yet). If you want to join the ranks of highly successful entrepreneurs, the BEST way to do that is to launch your own product.
"It's hard", I hear you say... "It's complicated"... "I don't know where to start"... "I don't know how to put all the pieces together"... "I don't know how to get JV partners interested"...
Should I continue? I've heard all the excuses.
But you NOW have access to all the answers, from one of the most successful product launch managers in the Internet Marketing industry.
This Is Going To Make it a WHOLE LOT EASIER For You Right Now.
SWEET Package Deal
You get all FIVE of Pat's Courses, with OVER 8 HOURS OF TRAINING
Don't worry, the 8 hours is broken down into bite-sized pieces. It's split up among the five courses. Each course is split up into many individual modules. Just pick the course and module you want to dive into, and it's ALL there at your disposal as you need it.
Until Now, this has NEVER been offered as a complete package deal. Each of the five courses were created to be sold separately, at a street-price totalling OVER $400.
Through this special offer, the COMPLETE PACKAGE is yours RIGHT NOW for less than 10% of the regular price. BOOM!
9 Modules
($37 REAL Street Price)
61 Minutes of Video Training
This video course teaches you unique strategies for launching your product WITHOUT the typical "product launch". Pat takes you through his 5 strategies for selling new and "digital dust" products, none of which require expensive or work-filled launches. This course includes a case study showing how Pat made $4,260.07 in sales, over a holiday weekend, by spending $0 and NOT launching a product.
Method 1
Method 2
Method 3
Method 4
Method 5
Case Study 1
Case Study 2
Closing Thoughts
6 Modules
($57 REAL Street Price)
36 Minutes of Video Training
Here are four deep strategies that can magnify and accelerate your ANTI-Launch results. You'll learn Pat's way of getting additional sales on the spot from ANTI-Launched products; The best type of product he's found for ANTI-Launch sales (and how to change other products into that kind of product); How to cultivate the special connections that make ANTI-Launch strategies 3, 4, and 5 explode; and my "FlexiProcess" for personalized promos.
Secret 1
Secret 2
Secret 3
Secret 4
Closing Thoughts
7 Modules
($17 REAL Street Price)
15 Minutes of Video Training
Get ready for a powerful training session on exactly how to get chosen for "Product Of The Day" and "Deal Of The Day" from the two major marketplaces. Pat knows exactly what it takes, and he reveals his secrets with you. You'll get his best tips for increasing your chances of achieving JVZoo Product of the Day and WarriorPlus Deal of the Day, based on his actual experience in managing many dozens of launches.
What Exactly Is POTD or DOTD?
Important Factors for Getting POTD or DOTD
Where Will Your POTD or DOTD Be Promoted?
The Good And The Bad of Getting POTD or DOTD
The Secret Strategy
Closing Thoughts
10 Modules
($97 REAL Street Price)
81 Minutes of Video Training
Pat walks you through his own mind-map of everything that needs to be done during a launch, when to do each thing, and why. Follow this timeline and you'll have no more underperforming rushed launches, and you'll have plenty of time to get everything done. You won't have tasks falling through the cracks. This training includes Pat's actual mind-map in .xmind and .mm mind-map software formats, plus a PDF containing the whole timeline.
Introduction and Mind Map
Initial Preparation for Launch
8 Weeks Prior to Launch
7 Weeks Prior to Launch
6 Weeks Prior to Launch
5 Weeks to 2 Weeks Prior
1 Week to 1 Hour Prior
Post-Launch and End
Questions and Answers
Sample JV Page
4 Modules
5 Hours 23 Minutes of Video Training
4 Amazing Sessions - This is in-depth launch video training (including PDF for each session) on four important launch subjects:
Session 1:
Funnel & JV Contest Planning
(111 minutes)
Your offer should make buyers want to buy and affiliates want to promote. Upsells should MAKE SENSE, from both usability and pricing standpoints. Even though upsells are optional, they should be "no brainers" to the buyers. Planning your sales funnel properly can increase your bottom line in multiples. Pat goes through different product funnels that are proven to have great potential for success. For the affiliates, you need to plan launch contest prizes. These can go far on bringing in the big affiliates who can make mega sales for you. Pat explains ways to plan your prizes and a few problems to watch out for.
Session 2:
JV Pages & JV Videos
(64 minutes)
The JV page is your sales page for affiliates. Pat breaks down an effective JV page, showing everything that should be on there, including how the sales copy should work. You'll see what works, and what definitely doesn't work. Then, he'll break down how to shoot a quality JV video. Pat shoot videos all the time, and he'll show you the setup he uses and how you can duplicate it on a budget. It isn't hard to get a good quality JV video, you'll see!
Session 3:
Affiliate Management & Promo Materials
(97 minutes)
Affiliates are the lifeblood of your launch. Without them, you have no sales. In this training, Pat covers the best ways to reach out to affiliates (and the ways you DEFINITELY want to avoid). You'll learn the way he vets affiliates to decide who gets Instant Commission, who gets Delayed Payment, and who gets denied. Making mistakes on this can lower your sales at best, and destroy your PayPal account at worst! Then, Pat will go into promo materials. You'll learn what the best affiliates are looking for, what type of swipes they need, and if additional media like graphic banners and ads are really necessary. Pat gives you some awesome copy writing tips for the swipes, as well, for the swipe sequence that I've found works.
Session 4:
Launch Promo
(51 minutes)
Our final week will cover Launch Promotion -- The best ways to get the word out about your launch. You'll, of course, already have the large collection of Facebook Groups and calendar/announcement sites from my No Brainer Launch Promotion Cheat sheet. But here, Pat helps you craft the most effective message to post there and elsewhere. You'll learn how to find the sweet spot of giving affiliates just enough info to draw them in to your JV page, where the real "sale" happens. And how to keep them motivated through the length of your launch.
Session 1 - Funnel & JV Contest Planning
Session 2 - JV Pages & JV Videos
Session 3 - Affiliate Management & Promo Materials
Session 4 - Launch Promo
100% 14-Day Money Back Guarantee
Secure Checkout
Earnings Disclaimer: We don't believe in get rich programs - only in hard work, adding value and serving others. Launch Boss training is intended to help you improve your business skills and encourage you to take action so you can build long term success. A lot of work and discipline is necessary just as in any real business endeavor. In promoting this and all our programs we use numbers that are illustrative only and we cannot and do not make guarantees or give professional or legal advice. While the information presented to you is based on real experience over many years, you are not guaranteed to get the same results or earn an income. The amount of success you realize is up to you and your own efforts and willingness to learn and implement. Thank you.
© 2019 Launch Boss. All rights Reserved