

5 Proven Ways to Monetize Your Blog

5 Proven Ways to Monetize Your Blog If there’s one mantra that every beginner marketer needs to repeat every single day, it’s this – “I only make money when I sell!” It’s a simple truth, and yet, it’s often forgotten by marketers who miss the point as they bog themselves down with a myriad of […]

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The #1 Mistake People Make When They’re Creating a Sales Funnel

One of the keys to a successful business is that you need to create a sales funnel. This means that you have multiple products at multiple price points for sale. Your goal should be to get every customer to become repeat customers who buy from you again and again. For example, a typical sales funnel […]

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Do You Recognize Any Of These Subtle Signs of Fear In Your Business?

Unless you were born into an entrepreneurial family, there’s a good chance that this whole “own your own business” thing is a bit outside of your comfort zone. Even if you LOVE the idea of being your own boss, there are still things you need to do that probably set you on edge. You feel […]

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